City of Burlington Release: Planning Meetings Update in Response to COVID-19
Update on OP timelines and processing of development applications as a result of COVID-19
Posted on Friday March 27, 2020
In these unprecedented times, it has been necessary for the City to make changes to various timelines and processes related to Planning and Building and By-law matters. To that end, the public meeting scheduled for April 14 on the official downtown policies has been pushed to fall to better enable the public and all stakeholders an opportunity to provide full feedback to staff and Council as decision makers, in a public and accountable forum. The City is currently processing development applications and building permit applications received by March 13. The Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT) has suspended all LPAT hearings until the end of June. As a result of COVID-19, processes for building inspections have been modified accordingly to keep both staff and the public safe.
Planning Applications
Development applications received by March 13, 2020 are currently being processed.
Inquires continue to be handled by Planning staff via phone and email.
Staff are exploring how new applications might be accepted and processed.
No Pre-application public meetings will be held at this time, including Millcroft Green, and will be re-scheduled at a later date.