Help Preserve Millcroft Greenspace

Your donation is a way to protect Millcroft’s greenspace. Donations can be made by e-transfer to the following address:

Your Donation, Hard at Work

The Millcroft Golf Course floodplain is currently under threat of infill development. Despite the City of Burlington’s and the Region of Halton’s Councils unanimous opposition to the development and resolutions requesting that the Province intervene stop it, our organization felt obliged to appear before the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) to present our unique stormwater case. 

The Millcroft Golf Course greenspace was originally engineered as a low-impact development technique or green infrastructure as stated in Official Plan Amendment 117 (with respect to the original subdivision approval in 1986) to remain in perpetuity.  Using studies dating back to the 1977 Dillon Engineering Report as well as other engineering reports from the early 1980s, the plan for the design and grading of the golf course lands as well as the on-line pond were established. In the 2014 Burlington flood event, forensic studies showed that the golf course acted as designed as a floodplain for the community in both an urban flooding (97%) and riverine flooding (3%) capacity.

Public Safety Canada and its report “Adapting to Rising Flood Risk, A Report by Canada’s Task Force on Flood Insurance and Relocation,” (August 2022) and the Auditor General of Ontario’s Report “Climate Change Adaptation: Reducing Urban Flood Risk”, (November 2022) recommend greenspace as a flood mitigation technique for urban flooding as we adapt to climate change.

Millcroft Greenspace Alliance (MGA), in its ongoing efforts of advocacy to stop the development, engaged Mr. David Donnelly, an experienced Environmental Lawyer, and Mr. Michael Frind, a hydrogeologist and P.Eng., an expert in stormwater management to present our evidence. Mr. Frind, through his expertise in modelling groundwater-surface-water interactions in the context of climate change (including flooding pursuant to land use changes) spoke to the inadequacies of the current development application. 

All donations will be greatly appreciated. 

We are committed to transparency and accountability. Stakeholder reports will be available to donors upon request.