Every individual who writes to our elected officials amplifies the voice of our community and makes a difference.

Draft Email to Province to Request Minister’s Zoning Order (MZO)

Please send the below email to:

Premier@ontario.ca; minister.mah@ontario.ca; attorneygeneral@ontario.ca; minister.mecp@ontario.ca; minister.moi@ontario.ca

cc. effie.triantafilopoulos@pc.ola.org; Natalie@NataliePierrempp.ca; Mayor@burlington.ca; gary.carr@halton.ca;

Subject: Millcroft Greenspace MZO Request

Premier, Hon. Paul Calandra, Hon. Kinga Surma, Hon. Andrea Khanjin, Hon. Doug Downey

The City of Burlington, after a thorough planning process and stormwater peer review, unanimously opposes development on the Millcroft Greenspace and urges the Province to protect this stormwater green infrastructure. This property includes three of thirteen of the City’s creeks extending from the top of the escarpment, passing through Millcroft to south Burlington and ultimately to Lake Ontario. Possible provincial solutions could include Infrastructure Ontario or the issuance of an MZO to protect the current zoning of Major Parks and Open Space.

The original engineering creating the Millcroft subdivision of homes intertwined with the golf course lands resulted in an official plan amendment that declared this land as permanent open space for its stormwater properties. Yet the Ontario Land Tribunal has not respected this important defence against climate change and flooding.

We encourage the Province to respect the role of municipalities to plan their communities through their Official Plans and to value that municipalities know best where to locate their growth. Further we trust that the Premier is true to his word when he says, “Ontario won’t allow homes to be built on floodplains.”

Protection of this greenspace is important for our lives and livelihoods!  More than 7,000 residents have signed a petition or emailed the government.  Please respect our democratic values!

We look forward to the Province working with the City of Burlington and the community to find a solution to preserve this important greenspace.