OLT Week 2 Recap: A Big Week for Stormwater
Week two was a four-day week for the OLT hearing. Tuesday, Wednesday and most of Thursday were primarily focused on the specialties related to Stormwater engineering.
Tuesday March 12th, 2024
Ms. Shelly Gorenc spoke on about her experience with regard to Appleby Creek, its realignment and the interaction of riverine and groundwater. Daintry Klein, of Millcroft Greenspace Alliance (MGA) cross-examined the evidence provided by Ms. Gorenc.
Mr. Travis Mikel was next up with discussions about the water table in the neighbourhood and balancing this with the proposed development. MGA’s lawyer, David Donnelly cross-examined Mr. Mikel on behalf of the community.
Wednesday March 13th, 2024 – Thursday March 14th, 2024
Mr. Stephen Kajan spoke about his role working with the Millcroft Golf Club since 2008 relative to all things irrigation, the Millpond and water balance specific to the golf course irrigation system. Daintry Klein cross-examined Mr. Kajan on behalf of the community
Then, Mr. Andrew Fata spoke about stormwater engineering bringing together the evidence from Mr. Ahmed, on geotechnology from week 1, and the witnesses up to and including Mr. Fata’s area of expertise on Thursday. Mr. Donnelly cross examined Mr. Fata on behalf of our community.
We will limit our comments on these witnesses as they are the focus of our case and we will keep our thoughts and issues silent until later in the hearing when it will work to our advantage.
Thursday afternoon we heard from Mr. Boyd Montgomery regarding Urban Design. Mr. Montgomery was very flattering in his comments about our neighbourhood. He feels that the new development is in keeping with the existing neighbourhood.
Friday March 15th, 2024
Mr. Alexander Fleming spoke about traffic. It was interesting that the City is requesting updated traffic studies as a condition if the Tribunal were to authorize the proposed development. Daintry Klein cross-examined Mr. Fleming uncovering that his traffic study did not include safety statistics at the corner of Country Club and Millcroft Park Drive. Mr. Fleming suggested that the neighbourhood was quiet with low-speed limits, but he seemed unaware and didn’t account for traffic cutting through our neighbourhood in abnormal circumstances when blockages were occurring on the QEW or Hwy 5. We asked, what frequency of incidents would cause his definition of “abnormal” to become “normal”. We also asked about stacking of traffic with the two new proposed condominium roads located so close to the main intersection. Mr. Fleming was unaware of the park traffic from sporting events.
We concluded the week with the beginning of Mr. Glen Wellings evidence as Millcroft Greens planner. We will provide the complete update on Mr. Wellings in next week’s summary after he concludes his evidence and cross examination.
In summary, the only way to assess the City’s case and success at the Tribunal is to have party status and to actively support their cross-examination and evidence as it contributes to the Community’s position.
By the time the hearing is in process, new evidence is very difficult to present and opportunity to actively participate almost impossible. The stakes of this hearing are very high for our community and as we see the evidence unfold, including the evidence that has not been available to the community until just before the hearing, we realize how critical our party status to this hearing has become.