Proposed Development - Waterdown Road


Mayor, Councillors,

My name is Daintry Klein and I represent the not-for-profit group Millcroft Greenspace Alliance which advocates for liveable, sustainable communities and responsible development.

We would like to recognize the courage of conviction that the planning department is showing with the recommendation to reject this proposal. We understand that this applicant, rather than working with the City and the citizens of Ontario who may need a home, will likely appeal to the OLT to resolve their dispute.  Having attended many planning meetings over the past two years, we are witnessing increasing discontent among the residents of the City with the development proposals that are coming forward.  They appear to fall in the category of “financialization of housing” rather than developing liveable, sustainable communities.


The proposed site is situated in an under served area and it appears that the proposal does not respect setbacks which would allow for adequate greenspace to include trees and snow storage on site.  This City has declared a Climate Emergency and climate friendly sites and building techniques must be incorporated in each and every application to ensure that the residents and future residents of Burlington and the surrounding area are protected from further degradation.

Recognizing that Construction is the fourth largest Contributor to GHGs according to the most recent report of the UN IPCC, we must mitigate the impact of producing glass, steel and cement through greenspace where the residents can receive the benefits.  In addition, these proposals which contain a large number of housing units should be designed as complete communities with adequate retail and commercial services such as grocery stores, hardware, pharmacy, medical clinic, dentist, lawyer and drycleaner to name a few.  Convenience stores should no longer be considered as we intensify development in our City


We request that our Council unanimously support the staff recommendation and reject this proposal to offer our City the strongest position possible in defending our Community at the OLT.


Halton Regional Official Plan Review


City of Burlington Tree Bylaw Update